Технический институт (филиал) СВФУ

Адрес: 678960, РС (Я) г. Нерюнгри, ул. Кравченко 16
Телефон (факс) приемная директора: 8-(41147)-4-49-83; 8-(41147)-4-21-38 (добавочный 201)
Телефон учебной части: 8-(41147)-4-21-38 (добавочный 203
Телефон студенческого отдела кадров: 8-(41147)-4-21-38 (добавочный 123)
E-mail: tifsvfu-neru@yandex.ru nv.zotova@s-vfu.ru
Телефон приемной комиссии: 8(41147)4-72-87, email: NTI.ZK@yandex.ru

Противодействие коррупции

Баннер приемная кампания


The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Technical Institute (branch) of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov

Nerungry, Sakha Republic, Russia

The international course “Discover South Yakutia” is your unique opportunity to be immersed in the exciting scientific-educational project of traditional northern culture, city life and academic environment. The organizers of the event are the International Relations Department, the Department of the Russian Language and Literature, the Department of Economic, Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, the Department of Natural Sciences of the Technical Institute.

Educational Programme

- South Yakutia: history and economy

The learning objective of the module is to form complex understanding of Southern Yakutia economic role in the context of its historical development. The tasks of the module include the following:

- to form general understanding of Southern Yalutia role in the sphere of modern world economy and its development perspectives in frames of globalization;

- to get knowledge about economic opening up of Southern Yakutia and its role in the economy of present Russia

- to discuss the history and traditional way of life of the indigenous peoples

- South Yakutia: the natural diversity of the region

The learning objective of the module is to describe specific features of the climate and wildlife of Southern Yakutia as a region of North-Eastern Siberia. The tasks of the module include the following:

- to demonstrate the variety and uniqueness of geographical and climatic conditions of Southern Yakutia;

- to demonstrate some of the rare and unique natural sites(objects) of the region

- to describe species uniqueness of the region;

- to form general understanding of Southern Yakutia natural complexes

- South Yakutia: regional toponymy.

The learning objective of the module is to form general understanding about toponymy of Southern Yakutia region, to show the mechanism of their creation and their genetic development in the course of hundreds of years. At that the module presents a thoroughly combined and full list of bibliographical sources including the works published during the last decade.

After the completion of the module students will

- know theoretical basis of toponymy, toponymic classifications, dictionary article structure;

- be able to make a complex analysis of toponyms;

- master the basic skills of place name study.

Tutors of the IC “Discover Southern Yakutia” are the scientists of the Technical Institute (branch) of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov that is a leading centre of education, culture and innovations in the southern part of the Sakha Republic and among the top higher educational institutions in the Far East region of Russia.

Social events. For those participants who would like to discover ancient northern territories or get exciting impressions from visiting the biggest Russian open-cast mining, we are pleased to offer a wide range of activities like trip to the traditional isolated village of the indigenous peoples of the North, group excursions to the museums, famous monuments, the biggest industrial companies of the region and weekends in the taiga (northern forest territory).

Applicants. If you are a student, a PhD student, a young scientist or young professional, you are welcome to take part in the IC “Discover Southern Yakutia”.


1. Fill in an application form that is available at the website of the course. The decision on your acceptance will be made by the Course Committee within a week from a date of your registration. Registration deadline April 15th, 2013.

2. Send your motivation letter about the reasons of participation in the course (350-400 words).

Registration fee:

Registration fee* includes the cost of educational and social programme, accommodation in the Institute hostel, course materials and souvenirs. Registration fee should be paid only after getting the letter of acceptance from the International Relations Department.

Type of fee

Foreign Participants

Payment before the 1st of June (by the bank transfer)

250 EUR

Payment onsite

350 EUR

*Participation is free of charge for the participants from partner-universities. To become a partner of the Technical Institute (branch) of the North-Eastern Federal Universities apply to the Head of the International Relations Department via e-mail (iamsuny@yandex.ru).

Contact information:

Office 203, the International relations Department,

The technical Institute (branch) NEFU, 25 Yuzhno-Yakutskaya –st.,

Nerungry, 678960, Sakha Republic,


Tel./fax: +7 (41147) 44983

e-mail: iamsuny@yandex.ru